Monday 1 November 2010

Gemma's Assessment

For the assessment, we filmed a 40 second horror film and doing so we had to take into account quite a few things. We used the camera in different ways to capture different points of vies of things. We held the shots steady and accurately to make the shots more professional looking. We also used a variety of shots such as close ups and long shots for more variation. We also made sure we framed the shots appropriately to fit in with the rule of thirds etc.  Also using pan and zoom and other techniques made the film look more interesting with a wider range of shot techniques.

I do think that the shots made sense and that they flowed really well together in regards to continuity editing, although i think that we broke the 30 degree rule at one point when switching from scenes which gave us a slight jump, although except from this it worked out really well.

I feel that our final peice shows that we can choose costume and props appropriately as they were kept very simple anyway, because we wanted to givve an elemtn of sprise so the naturalistic surroundings were then suprising when the unexpected happened. I also feel that the location was perfect as the tress rustling in the background gave a great creepy effect. Also the actor was great in the film working well with the mood of the film.

When making the film, I was like the director as I said where everything should take place etc And whether the shots looked good with the camera postioning. I feel that if we could edit or film it again we would try to make it so we stick to the 30 degree rule, so there are no jumps, although it did work really well despite that.